Meet Bridger—Project WET’s water dog

Bridger Mountains

Bridger Mountain Range, Bozeman, Montana

Jumping Bridger

Bridger the water dog is Project WET’s mascot. Throughout and other Project WET resources, Bridger views the world through blue lenses—whether goggles, sunglasses or binoculars—as he explores water and our world. On, in or underwater, Bridger explores the many roles water plays in our lives. On, you can follow Bridger as he studies water on a global scale, learns about watersheds and examines the role of water within your own body.

Bridger is a responsible water dog. Bridger is leading a campaign to “Take Action!” and keep pet waste out of water to protect water quality. Bridger would love to promote pet waste clean-up in your community. Learn more about dog waste bags.

The name Bridger comes from the Bridger Mountains near Bozeman, Montana, where Project WET’s national office is located.